Divisions and Products:

Pulp and Paper

Chemical Technologies for the Pulp and Paper

The pulp and paper industry is divided in 4 main sectors: pulp fabrication, writing paper fabrication, toilet paper fabrication and liner and corrugated carton fabrication. Each machine is a world of its own, thus its necessary that the engineers at AKRAW CHEMICAL SAS study the machine’s chemistry  complemented by a Process Flow Diagram. This information is analyzed and certain operating points are selected for improvement. Lastly, laboratory experiments are designed in order to select the appropriate products.

Due to the quality standards demanded by the market, the fabrication of the different types of paper is increasingly demanding, thus motivating the chemical and mechanical industries to develop and ameliorate continuously the paper industry techonolgies.

AKRAW CHEMICAL SAS, develops, produces, and comercializes chemical technology accompanied with specialized technical service and a system of dosifications, that help us guarantee:

Get to know our Products

Product Name / Description
Reference Code
Chemical products
Wet strength agents
Akraw® 16100
Chemical products
Retention agents and dry strength
Akraw® 16200
Chemical products
Akraw® 16300
Chemical products
Bactericides and biodispersants
Akraw® 16400
Chemical products
Load scavengers
Akraw® 16500
Chemical products
Optical brighteners
Akraw® 16600
Chemical products
Akraw® 16700
Chemical products
Cleaners garments
Akraw® 16800
Chemical products
Resins and oils release coating
Akraw® 16900
Chemical products
Akraw® 161100
Chemical products
Other applications
Akraw® 161200
Laboratory Equipment

To make the appropriate selection in the laboratory and an adequate follow up in the applications of  scavenger load, drainage agents, physical resistance and retention, AKRAW CHEMICAL owns the primordial equipment: Brit Jar y PDC.

For microbiological control with immediate in situ answer and technology selection at the laboratory, we own a  HY-LITE® luminometer which offers tranquility and helps to avoid a lost of reputation and trust in our products.

Virtual control variables

With the objective to facilitate the follow up of the critical variables, AKRAW CHEMICAL developed the software Virtual Control Variables, (VCV-AKRAW), to enable our clients to have direct access.

Quality Assurance Technology

Bactericidal for microbiological control of paper machines based on glutaraldehyde , isothiazoline , THPS and others are marketed under the brand of the producer

Service in field and Equipments

The technical service engineers using the equipment for preparation, dosification, and contol are focused to optimize the consumption and achieve the maximum effectiveness in the application of chemical products in plant.